2010年7月30日 星期五

visit FTV

Today we went to visit FTV; we were first entered to a meeting room and had an introduction by post production of FORMOSA NEWS, Peter. He talked about his working experience in Taiwan and point of view about Taiwan's political environment. Later, I saw the newsroom and real photographic equipments, I had an experience in feeling the news broadcast in the newsroom. Understanding the erection of background programs and watching television programs presented, how it works behind, students are all given all praise. I already knew that a News programs need so many staffs behind the scenes. One of a FORMOSA NEWS anchor, Jinny Chang shared us how to be a good anchor, and how to respond when the unexpected condition occurs.
FTV’s programs full of localization, and the market segmentation is very successful, The future will use digital TV to bring opportunities and to promote enterprise development towards diversification. When talked about the television sensitive issue of political partisanship. Regardless of the television stations have their own political position of preference, but this cannot and will not affect the news content of objective reporting. As professional journalists, they must keep the principle of neutrality news. Because of the time limitation, we had to leave early. We hope have another opportunity to visit there again.

